ABN Registration

How to apply for an ABN, the information you will need and the support to maintain your ABN.

Why is my ABN not the same name as my business name? Was there an error?

The name your Australian Business Number (ABN) is registered as will depend on your business structure. 

If you are a sole trader, your ABN would be registered under your personal name, and any business names you wish to trade with are registered under it. For example, JOHN A SMITH (ABN 123 456 789 21) will have the business name JOHNS PLUMBING registered under the ABN. 

Similarly, a partnership ABN will be in the names of the partners of two or more people e.g. John Smith and Jane Doe’s partnership will appear as J. SMITH & J. DOE. 

A company ABN will be in the name of the company, for example, CAFE ON HARRIS PTY LTD (ABN 123 456 789 21) with the business name HARRIS BARISTA registered under the company ABN. 

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Updated — Jul 15, 2020

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