Does EasyCompanies offer a virtual address service?

Whilst EasyCompanies does not offer a virtual address service itself, we are able to put you in touch with a partner of ours who will be able to assist.

We’ve worked closely with our partner to create a virtual address service package, which enables you to use a virtual address as your company’s registered office address and also utilize the services of a registered ASIC agent if you so wish (at no extra cost).

If you are interested in using this service, please get in touch with a member of our team who will be able to assist.

All information provided on this webpage is general information about our products and services. Nothing on this webpage is intended to be professional advice of any kind and should not be relied on as such. You should obtain specific financial, legal or other professional advice before relying on the content of this webpage. By not seeking such advice, you accept the risk that the information on this webpage may not meet the specific needs of your business. Our liability is limited to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law in accordance with our website terms and conditions.

Updated — Oct 16, 2019

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