Register a company, today.

Simple online company registration for only $668, ACN & ASIC documents delivered within minutes, not weeks.

1 in 20Australian companies use EasyCompanies to Register a Company

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Start a company and get 90% off Xero for up to 6 months when you signup via EasyCompanies.

Our customers rate us with a 95% satisfaction rating

Trusted by over 135,000 Companies
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Register a Company in just 3 simple steps

We’ve worked hard to make it easy

1. Choose a Company Name

Check to see if your name is available at any time through our company name search.

2. Complete an Online Application

Submit your application instantly to ASIC, and you will be informed of the outcome instantly.

3. Start Trading

Sign the documents sent to your email and you will be ready for business!

Questions? We have answers

How much does it cost to register a company?

The cost of registering a company through us is currently $668. This price is inclusive of the $597 fee charged by ASIC.

If we would like to obtain an ABN, business name or any other such extras – There are additional fees and charges.

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What information is required to register a new company?

To register your new company, you will need to have the following information handy:

For Directors & Secretaries: Full name, full residential address as well as the date and place of birth of each person

For Shareholders: Full name, address and number of shares for each shareholder of the company.

General Information: The address of the registered office and principal place of business.

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Registered ASIC Agent   #33614

Registered Tax Agent   #24719723

ASIC Software Provider   #2065

Ready to start your company?

Start your company, today.